Light Up The Night Glow Party
Get your beads ready boys, it's Mardi Gras Weekend at Jones Pond. It's all about the boys this weekend. Saturday is our Mardi Gras Party, sponsored by our 100 block of seasonal campers. Tasty Mardi Gras food, cool drinks, prizes, games and boys!
Saturday night is our Light Up The Night Glow Party & Dance. Wear white or light colored clothing that will really pop under our blacklights. Neon and fluorescent colors work great! Add glow sticks, glow necklaces, face/body paint that glows to take your outfit to the next level. The glow, music and energy of the party will create an amazing night.
11am - Noon
Couples Line Dance Lessons, with John
1pm - 3pm
Euchre Tournament, in the Cafe ($5 + bring quarters)
8:30pm - 10pm
Beads & Boys Bingo
10pm - 1am
Mardi Gras Masquerade Dance & Bonfire, wear your best Mardi Gras Mask
10:30am - 11:30am
Yoga with Raffee, at the Memorial Garden **
11:45am - 12:30pm
Zumba with Derek, in the Barn
1:15pm - 2pm
Mardi Gras Golf Cart Parade, meet in the 100 block
2pm - 4pm
Mardi Gras Party
10pm - 1am
Light Up The Night Mardi Gras Glow Dance & Bonfire
3pm - 5pm
Cosmos on Tour at Duncan's, site 350
* All events will take place at the Barn or Pool unless otherwise noted
** A small donation to the SPCA from all Yoga participants would be greatly appreciated. Yoga moves to the lounge in the event of bad weather